It’s an incredibly flexible system that allows new skills to be as readily available as old ones without needing to worry about equipment. A straight line is a slash, while later abilities involve drawing circles to make plants bloom, or grow giant lily pads in the water to stand on, and a circle with a line out of the top turns into a bomb. Fixing a bridge just involves laying down a lot of ink between one side and another, while a simple circle in the sky calls out the sun. The brush was designed to be used with a controller, so the things you need to draw aren’t particularly complex. The Celestial Brush is probably a compromise so as to not to leave Nippon a radioactive crater.) (The sun is the source of all energy on earth, burns at millions of degrees at its core, and regularly burps out flares that would immolate the planet. While Okami is basically an action-RPG in the Zelda mold, its unique mechanic is being able to pause the action at any time to flatten the world and draw on it, using the strokes of the brush to effect both the environment and any enemies dumb enough to attack a full-fledged sun goddess. The tree-goddess guarding the nearby village barely has enough strength left to revive Ameterasu, but once she’s up the wolf starts the long, difficult journey to free Nippon from Orochi’s darkness.Įven at the start Ameterasu is a powerful hero, able to mix speedy fighting moves with the abilities of the Celestial Brush. When a thief steals the sword from the shrine Orochi promptly revives and plunges the land of Nippon into darkness and corruption. Except she was called Shiranui back then, because mythology is difficult. While the demon was “killed” it wasn’t dead-dead so much as “locked away”-dead, sealed by the sword of the hero Nagi who’d fought alongside Ameterasu. Okami is the story of Ameterasu, a sun-goddess that’s taken the form of a white wolf, awoken one hundred years after her fight with the nine-headed demon Orochi. There’s a reason it’s on its third re-release, after all.
While this review is for the PC version, it’s good to see Okami available on almost any platform that can support it.
That was nine years of being stuck on a single console at a time, but those dark days are over at last with a full widespread release of Okami HD on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Okami was originally a PS2 exclusive and the Wii version helped keep the name alive until Okami HD came out on PS3. Before there was Platinum Games there was Clover, an offshoot of Capcom that made all the Viewtiful Joe games, the cult-classic God Hand and the utterly-fantastic Okami.