#Newton kansan burials pdf
Franklin County: Obituaries in Ottawa, Kansas Newspapers 1965-2003 PDF files from the Ottawa Library.Franklin County Genealogy Indexes includes cemetery and probate indexes.Franklin County: Wellsville Cemetery Records (Excel files) includes Wellsville Cemetery, Rock Creek Cemetery and Walnut Creek Cemetery.Ellsworth County: Kanopolis Cemetery Index Kanopolis, Kansas.Edwards County Cemetery Burial Records File also has other genealogy indexes.

Douglas County Genealogical Society Indexes includes "Index of Deaths and Births in Daily Newspapers of Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, 1864-1872 " "Genealogical Information in Newspapers of Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas: Index for 1873-1881 " and other items.Douglas County: Lawrence City Cemetery Records, 1850-1988 at FamilySearch.Douglas County: City of Lawrence Cemetery Records Search includes Maple Grove Cemetery, Memorial Park Cemetery and Oak Hill Cemetery.Crawford County: Pittsburg Morning Sun Obituaries Index 1975-2004.Crawford County, Frontenac, Funeral Home Records, 1905-2014 from FamilySearch.

Clay County Rural Cemeteries (scanned book).Cherokee County Obituaries Index 1868-2007 from the Cherokee County Kansas Genealogical-Historical Society.Chase County Death and Obituary Index 1863-2005.Butler County Cemeteries also has some obituaries and wills.Allen County: City of Iola Cemetery Burials for Iola Cemetery and Highland Cemetery.And other items Kansas Death Records Indexes, Obituaries and Cemeteries by County.Knights and Ladies of Security/Security Benefit Death Claims.Death Notices of Members of Kansas Fraternal Orders (50,000 entries) includes the Ancient Order of United Workmen, 1879-1908 Knights of Pythias, 1877-1918 Independent Order of Odd Fellows, 1873-1970 Rebekah Assembly of the IOOF, 1891-1953.Kansas Historical Society Names Index includes.Kansas Gravestone Photo Project has over 110,000 entries.Kansas Cemetery Records, 1812-1981 (at Ancestry/requires payment) this is a database of some cemetery burials in: Southeast Kansas (Allen County and Anderson County), Cherokee County, Dickinson County (Belle Springs Brethren Cemetery), Douglas County (Big Springs Cemetery), Graham County, Gray County (Church of God in Christ Cemetery Records, Montezuma), Jackson County, McPherson City, Stafford County, and Wabaunsee County (coverage varies by place).Kansas Cemetery Abstracts at FamilySearch includes some cemeteries in 60 Kansas counties (of 105).Kansas Genealogical Society and Online Library Obituaries Indexes, 06 has over 600,000 entries copies of the obituaries can be ordered for a fee.Kansas, Deaths, 1811-1940 at FamilySearch for Atchison, Cherokee, Crawford, Elk, Kingman, Labette, Miami, Montgomery, Nemaha, Osage, Shawnee, Sherman, and Wyandotte Counties coverage varies by county.Online Kansas Death Indexes, Cemetery Burials and Obituaries